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Community Justice Outcome Activity Across Scotland Annual Report 2020-21

REPORTS AND STATS | 30th March 2022

We are delighted to introduce the fourth Outcome Activity Annual Report, covering the period 2020 to 2021. This report assesses progress towards national community justice outcomes.

The reporting period covers the Covid-19 pandemic, including two major lockdowns, and we wish, firstly, to thank organisations working across the community justice sector for their dedication during this unprecedented and evolving situation.

New to this year’s report is a set of evidence and analysis summaries for each national outcome, a set of emerging cross-cutting themes and an array of practice examples and life stories to illustrate the variety of work underway in local areas. We are particularly pleased to include, for the first time, an update on progress or planned progress against the 2019-20 recommendations.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Community Justice Partnerships (CJPs) for providing a vast array of information and data on which to base our assessment during this difficult year.

Community justice partners have worked tremendously hard during a very difficult and unprecedented time. They adapted and reprioritised activity to ensure they continued to provide essential services and supported those with the greatest need. They remain committed to improving outcomes for those in the justice system and the wider communities to which they belong. However as a result of the pandemic, it is reasonable to state that there has been limited progress towards national outcomes. As with previous years, the degree of progress year on year is difficult to assess. Work continues to improve this and allow CJS to make an accurate assessment of the degree of progress.

This report sets out a number of recommendations for Community Justice partners, Community Justice Scotland and the Scottish Government. The improvement activity that arises from these recommendations, and progress against these, will be reported on in next year’s report.

>>Download the report here